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Stamp Album Pages
For Information:
Carlos Galguera
                   5745 SW 75th Street #326
786-768-1022 stampalbumpages@gmail.com Gainesville, FL 32608


Check Order Form for Page Prices!


A group of stamp collectors have gathered on the Internet to create album pages for every stamp ever issued. 

There are album pages for over 300 countries; over 60,000 pages in total. Each album contains spaces for ever major Scott-listed stamp.

Click [HERE] for a list of all the countries and time periods in a new tab.


I am the exclusive US distributor for printed StampAlbum pages, authorized to print any of the pages on heavyweight 8 1/2 x 11, 3-hole punched paper OR on paper which matches Scott International, Scott Specialized, or Minkus pages in weight, color, and size (and has the holes in the right places).

I can print pages for an entire country, a particular range of years, or even just the air mail or semi-postal issues. I can also print "blank" pages with just a border and country name. And the cost per page, including the paper, is just twenty cents a page for the 8 1/2 x 11 size, thirty cents for the International size or Minkus size, and thirty-five cents for the Specialized size. Check the listings to see whether the countries you want are available, then send me your order on the Order Form

All orders are subject to a shipping charge.
Click [HERE] for shipping charges.

  •  Heavyweight, acid-free printed pages - 8½ x 11
  •  Scott International-style printed pages
  •  Scott Specialized-style printed pages with either 2 rectangular holes or 3 holes
  •  Minkus style 2- or 3-hole pages printed in Scott order - 9½ x 11¼ or 8.5 X 11


Albumpages Email List

If you would like to have a monthly email telling you about new pages that have been added during the preceding month, sign up here to receive the emails:

If you have a laser printer, you can get a CD with all the pages in .pdf format from http://www.stampalbums.com.
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Shipping Fees  | OrderForm ]